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发布日期:2022/04/05    点击:

报告时间:20224月7日 14:30

地点:线上腾讯会议 888-190-540


报告题目:Command Filter Backstepping Control of Random Nonlinear Systems


The command filter backstepping method is investigated for nonlinear system disturbed by stochastic processes with strong boundedness in probability. As preliminary, the definition of semi-global noise to state practical exponential stability in probability and its Lyapunov criterion is presented.  By introducing a double dynamic surface filter, practical trajectory tracking is achieved by a backstepping controller. Lyapunov stability analysis distinct from singular perturbation method is performed to the closed-loop error system. As application,the trajectory tracking of robot driven by direct current motors is achieved and a simulation on articulated manipulator is provided to demonstrate the effectiveness of the control scheme.


山东省泰山学者特聘教授, 山东省有突出贡献中青年专家, 享受国务院特殊津贴专家, 中国自动化学会信息物理系统控制与决策专业委员会委员. 先后为本科生讲数学分析、时变函数、泛函分析等课程. 主要从事随机系统的稳定性分析和非线性控制理论及其应用研究. 主要成果包括: 建立了随机耗散系统的理论框架; 先后证明了基于范数和 Lyapunov 函数的随机小增益定理; 建立带有色噪声随机系统的稳定性理论; 展开了对机器人系统的建模与控制研究. IEEE Trans. Autom. ControlAutomatica SIAM J. Control Optim发表论文21, 出版学术专著1. 主持国家自然科学基金面上项目 4; 2012 年度IEEE Trans. Autom. Control 杂志杰出评审人; IEEE ICCSS 2016 最佳论文奖; 获山东省自然科学奖二等奖(首位),获教育部自然科学二等奖(2)

